Refund and Cancellation policy

This refund and cancellation policy outlines how you can cancel or seek a refund for a product / service that you have purchased through the Platform. Under this policy:
- Cancellations will only be considered if the request is made 3 days of placing the order. However, cancellation requests may not be entertained if the orders have been provisioned and in normal working state and data utilization has been consumed more then 5% or 100mb of traffic.
- STGS Cloud does not accept cancellation requests for replacement of services or IP address.
- The software licenses billed by us are billed for each calendar month regardless of the period of usage during the month. Once a software license has been used during a calendar month, it is NOT eligible for a refund and you will be charged for the full monthly cost of that license. Refund of software license cost paid for unused future months is however possible, on receipt of an email from you to us at requesting the same.
- You will not be entitled to a refund under this Policy:- You shall not be entitled any refund in the following cases:-
a) Minimum Billing Committed Nodes: The committed nodes are launched for a specific committed period for a fixed price and you shall not be eligible for a refund of the amount paid for the same. Additionally, you will not be eligible for a refund of the minimum billing amounts charged in each billing cycle;
b) Promotional code benefits, free coupons etc. are not refunded;
c) The transaction fees charged by payment gateways is not refunded;
d) If you have an outstanding balance in any of the linked Customer accounts or if we suspect that your Customer account is linked in any manner to another customer account(s) which has outstanding dues, you will not be entitled to a refund. The balance, if any, remaining after adjustment of the outstanding balance for such linked customer account, shall be refunded to you; For the purpose of this clause, outstanding dues shall include outstanding TDS payable for the Services, where a duly signed TDS certificate has not been provided by you;
e) In case of suspected violations of our TOS, Company Policies (as defined in our TOS) etc.; or
f) Any other cases, which at our discretion would disentitle you to a refund.
g) Refunds if approved from our team, Refunds will be initiated by 2 to 5 business working days to the account wallet or the original payment.